
The Blue Dragon-by 羅伯勒帕吉/ 機器神劇團

The Blue Dragon
羅伯勒帕吉Robert Lepage / 機器神劇團 Ex Machina

17 - 26 February 2011 / 19:45, 14:00
Barbican Theatre, London

‘Robert Lepage is one of the most challenging and chimeric directors of our time.’ The Guardian
Robert Lepage superbly performs in this sequel to his 1985 breakthrough masterpiece The Dragons’ Trilogy , marking the return of that play’s central figure – artist Pierre Lamontagne – who resurfaces in Shanghai 20 years later.
Set in the effervescent paradox that is modern China, this new instalment focuses on Lamontagne’s encounters with a former student classmate and a young Chinese conceptual artist. As the lives of these individuals collide, unexpected doors open, bringing about fundamental changes for each of them.
Robert Lepage又要到倫敦了!

其實他一直是Barbican Center的常客,許多作品都在此發表過,比較特別的是這次安排了他與Richard Eyre的演後座談,想必相當精彩!可惜聽不到他們的對談(排在星期一晚上,太過份了啦)而且屆時的機票比平時貴出許多,只能含淚跟演後座談說掰掰囉。

上回在巴黎看到Robert Lepage本人的演出感動萬分,覺得他的身體比專業舞者還會說話,只消幾個眼神跟擺動,就教人讚嘆不已,唉!


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